Alternatives International - Iraq - Irak Les actions solidaires d'Alternatives International pour l'Irak avec nos partenaires irakiens. fr SPIP - Alternatives International - Iraq - Irak 42 144 The Right To Education For All Iraqis 2010-10-13T15:52:17Z text/html en Iraqi Democratic Future Network <p>This campaign raises public awareness on the right to education for all Iraqis, while focusing particularly on the importance of women's and girl's education, and on the state's role in addressing the challenges facing education in Iraq today. <br class='autobr' /> Iraq has strong educational traditions. In the 1980s, its education system was considered one of the most advanced in the region. But the outbreak of war and violence, and the disintegration of state education led to a grave increase in dropouts. (...)</p> - <a href="" rel="directory">Education for All</a>