Alternatives International - Iraq - Irak Les actions solidaires d'Alternatives International pour l'Irak avec nos partenaires irakiens. fr SPIP - Alternatives International - Iraq - Irak 42 144 4th Iraqi non-violence week 2010-10-07T22:42:00Z text/html en LaOnf <p>Under the banner of the time has come for Iraqi national government formation and enough for the delay an Iraqi group of non-violence launch the fourth non-violence week for the period from 1st to 7th of October 2010. <br class='autobr' /> The activity week for this year include, various events throughout the provinces in Iraq and Kurdistan region, all of this aim to reminder of the best alternative to change and it is non-violence struggle and the celebration the international non-violence day coincides every (...)</p> - <a href="" rel="directory">Agenda</a> First Iraqi Non First Iraqi Non-Violence Forum 2009-11-11T23:31:00Z text/html en LaOnf <p>The Iraqi Non-Violence (Laonf) group has held the first Iraqi Non-Violence Forum, in <br class='autobr' /> addition to its general assemblymeeting, and workshop of capacity building for the Non- <br class='autobr' /> Violence group's members. By adirect implementing of Al Mesalla Organization for <br class='autobr' /> Human Resources Development in Erbil, with cooperation of Nova (Spain NGO), Un <br class='autobr' /> Ponte Per (Italian NGO), Peaceful Tomorrow (American NGO), and supported by the <br class='autobr' /> Municipality Council of Barcelona, the Spanish Catalonia Agency, and the (...)</p> - <a href="" rel="directory">Agenda</a>