In Collaboration with the University of Baghdad and Annas Radio Station
One of Al Nas’ recent activities took place towards the end of 2009 in Baghdad University. A seminar on patriarchy, gender and their literary manifestations was given by an Iraqi researcher and writer, Ridha Al- Dhahir,
who currently lives in London. Al Nas is content to have been able to collaborate with the University of Baghdad, Arabic and English Language and Literature Departments in the College of Education of Women’s in this project, as it has created an interesting opportunity to collaborate with a quite conservative university and its community
to discuss matters such as women’s depiction in literature and societal roles created for genders. Not only students but also professors and lecturers form the university attended the seminar. The following discussion session on discrimination against women in a patriarchic culture and different treatments of genders in society was also well attended and served as a platform for exchanging a wide range of ideas.
Another project Al Nas has initiated is a discussion session on “Performance of Iraqi Parliamentarian Women”, a book written well before the elections by Dr.Nahla Al-Nedawi, a human rights activist and a professor at the University of Baghdad. The discussion about the book was broadcasted from Annas radio station and the program included interviews with Dr. Al- Nedawi.